Student Welfare

Ms Slark 

Deputy Head of Sixth Form – Academic 

Mr Hodgson

Deputy Head of Sixth Form – Pastoral 

Miss Theodoris

KS5 Administrator 

Mrs Tse 

 Independent Study Supervisor 

Tutor Team:

12 Amazons 1 - Ms N Chinhenzva  

12 Amazons 2 - Mr S Baker

12 Amazons 3 - Mrs T Osborne (M,W,Th,F) /  Mr T O’Donoghue (T)

12 Iceni 1 - Ms M Saarany 

12 Iceni 2 - Mr J Ng

12 Iceni 3 - Mrs R O’Neill /Mr V Williams (A F, O M & F)

13 Aztecs 1 - Mr A Boateng

13 Aztecs 2 - Ms V Pearce (M,Th, F)/Mrs E Bilinska (T,W)

13 Aztecs 3 - Mr  Clooke     

13 Incas 1 - Mr D Parker

13 Incas 2 - Ms K Heath

13 Incas 3 - Dr A Sheikh


The Aztec Empire was one of the mightiest in the Americas, but it was brought down eventually by a coalition of its enemies and invading Spaniards.


The Inca Empire was one of the most wide-ranging civilizations of South America. The Inca civilization arose from the highlands of Peru sometime in the early 13th century, and the last Inca stronghold was conquered by the Spanish in 1572.


The Amazons were a nation of all female warriors in Greek mythology. They formed an independent kingdom under the government of a Queen Hippolyta.


The Iceni, were a tribe of Celts occupying what is now Norfolk. They were one of the most powerful tribes in pre-Roman Britain. The Iceni were best known for Queen Boadicea. Her Celtic name is Boudicca.